Teaching and Learning with Technology
We are empowering our students to be lifelong learners and to thrive in a dynamic global society, with technology as one of the many tools used to do so. The age appropriate integration of technology enables our students to learn, developing skills to critically analyze and learn new information, to create- growing their own knowledge through making of media-rich projects, and to share, allowing students to collaborate and communicate their ideas to a wider audience. At each grade level, learning needs are addressed through technology, as well as consideration for how it might enrich learning experiences. In addition, we guide our students as they learn to effectively manage technology use and make choices to develop safe habits and a healthy digital life.
Learn - Make the whole world your classroom
Create - Step forward and make things happen.
Share - Work together. Because without us all, we’re nothing.
Students use an array of tech tools and resources. In early elementary our students are 1:1 with iPads in grades 1 and 2. Students in grades 3-12 are part of our 1:1 laptop program using assigned MacBook Airs, where students in grade 5 and up are permitted to take them home.
Technology Coaches support teachers and students in their learning across all grade levels.
About this Site
This site has been created to share our journey with teaching and learning with technology at the elementary school at the American School of Warsaw as well as to share our resources with you. We are an Apple school and use a combination of MacBook Airs and iPads. We are 1-1 in grades 3, 4 and 5 with MacBook Airs, 1-1 with iPads in grades 1and 2, and 6 iPads in our early childhood rooms. Click on the links above to read our blog, learn about our digital literacy standards, see our training documents, and take a look at the resources we use. We hope you enjoy the journey.
ES Tech Coaches
Katherine Dunevant and Michael Nonato